SWOT of the Auto Revolution

The SWOT analysis is a model highly repetitive model in all commerce courses. An analysis of the overall company is determined, attempting to cover them all may not always be accurate only because you could accurately confirm a strength or weakness until money is in the equation and the business model is actually in process. We determined that we were faced with more pros then cons that for sure. Our business model really only faced us with one very detrimental con which was attempting to alter the perception people had towards rebuilt vehicles. Once we were able to overcome that hardship it was just a matter of keeping up with the demand of consumers from there onwards. 

Say we were able to alter the perceptions of 10 people and they were comfortable with buying a rebuilt, and they knew they would be saving money. Why wouldn’t they buy it if they had no negative stigma associated with the rebuilt title. This I would say was our biggest weakness, actually not being able to alter the perception of a good chunk of people was extremely crucial. Our greatest opportunity was the fact that we could control was price to pay for the vehicles as well as how much it would cost to get them fixed. 

By determine that there is a comprehensive cost analysis formula for repairmen to use to determine the cost of the repair, if a huge opportunity so we know what we can resell the vehicle for before we even purchase it. This reduces our risks greatly as we know our risk before buying.  Overall I feel that the SWOT analysis is a great tool used to give a feel for the overall business environment. 

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